Plugins Programmer Manual

Stag heavily uses plugins. By itself it only visits files and writes the files to their output destination by either copying them or running through Jinja templating engine.[1]. Everything else is managed by the plugins.

How plugins work

Plugins are small pieces of Python code which Stag runs when certain events occur. Usually they are used to generate or modify Stag’s output, but they can do virtually anything.

Do you want to extend Stag’s capabilities to read a custom file format? No problem. Do you want your plugin to run a GUI program which interactively asks users a questions about the Universe? That’s also fine.

When Stag visits a file, it doesn’t even open it. It only reads its path and fills a Path object, which is used to create a new Page object inside a Site. Created pages are available e.g. by inspecting site.pages, but you could also subscribe to the site.signals.page_added signal. Path created by Stag is available as page.source.

On the other hand, Jinja templating engine creates files from the page.output, which is initially uninitialised. It’s plugins job to go from a mere page.source to the page which has its output, metadata and all the other blocks created.

One thing which must be remembered is this: there are no "virtual" files inside your content directory. All the files which Stag finds will be used to create a site in one way or the other. If nothing else works, Stag will simply copy them.

Creating a new plugin

Registering plugins

Creating a plugin is very simple. Just create a plugins directory inside your sites’s directory and then create a Python file with a function register_plugin(). This function is the entry point for your plugin. It will be called once by Stag after the plugin is imported and it receives an initialised Site object, which is a central object in Stag. Site holds a list of pages, handles of signals, site configuration and a bunch of other goodies.

Typically, register_plugin() is used to initialize the plugin, which usually ends up in connecting some of plugin functions to one or more available signals.

It’s best to avoid placing any executable code in plugin’s global scope. It’s possible to fool Python’s import system and to import the plugin twice, not once. On the other hand, it’s guaranteed that Stag will call register_plugin() only once.

Plugin example

Consider the following, not very useful plugin. File structure should look like this:

Site file structure

def greet_user(site):
    print("Hello from the plugin!")

def register_plugin(site):

That’s it! From now on, every time a site is built, user will be greeted by our plugin.

Packages and modules

Above example keeps a plugin as a Python module. Stag will iterate these and try to import them.

Alternatively, you might choose to keep plugins as packages, which results in a single directory per plugin:


You might prefer this scheme because it is easier to e.g. clone plugins from the internet this way.


URL is probably the most important attribute of every Page. It tells Stag the expected location of files. For example, when URL doesn’t have a file part in it (i.e. it is a "pretty" url, like /post/my-post), then Stag knows that it has to actually create a file like /post/my-post/index.html.

Stag has a built-in generic mechanism for determining the URLs of the pages, but it’ll happily offload this work to the more specilised functions, as it avoids doing any deduction by itself.

To register such mechanism you must provide a function which accepts a Path object and returns a URL, and an optional condition, which must be fulfilled to call this function. Consider this implementation from a Markdown plugin:

def deduce_url(path):
    if path.filebase == "index":
        return path.reldirname
    return os.path.join(path.reldirname, path.filebase)

def register_plugin(site):
    site.readers.register_reader(deduce_url, lambda p: p.ext == "md")

Plugin Configuration

Plugins can have a custom configuration tables in config.toml. Stag will read all of the entries inside the plugins section of config.toml anyway, and you can access them in convenient way, but it’s nice to do some validation of these. To do so, plugins can register a custom objects, whose attributes should reflect the names of keys used in config.toml. These objects might also supply other methods to these tables.

it is advisable to use attrs module to create such objects. It is a dependency of Stag anyway.
import attr

class MyPluginCfg:
    myoption: str = "foo"
    other_option: List[str] = attr.Factory(lambda: ["foo", "bar", "baz"])

def register_plugin(site):
    site.config.update_plugin_table("myplugin", MyPluginCfg())


Because register_plugin() is called only once and probably there are a bunch of things which Stag hasn’t initialised, it’s not very useful to do anything besides plugin’s initialisation at that point. That’s why we have signals!

Built on top of observer pattern (duh!), they are called when certain events occur (see: List of signals). Basically, they are mere function calls. Once a signal is emitted (signal.emit(…​)) it goes thhrough all of the subscribed observers and calls each one with the arguments of emit() call.

Connecting to signals

To connect a function to the signal, you must have a signal object and call connect(fn) on it.

To simplify things, Stag stores most global signals inside site.signals.

Weak references

By default observers are stored as weak references. It means that if they ever are deleted (e.g. temporaries which go out of scope), Stag won’t call them! It’s the best to not connect temporaries, but if you really want to do it, use weak=True parameter when connecting the observer.

def callback(*a):

# OK

# OK
some_signal.connect((lambda *a: print("lambda 1", *a)), weak=True)

# NOT OK, lambda 2 won't be ever called
some_signal.connect(lambda *a: print("lambda 2", *a))

In addition to site.signals, some signals are sent by Pages themselves. You can connect to them like this:

def input_created(page, inp):
    assert page.input is inp
    print(f"input created for page {page.url}")

def page_cb(page):

def register_plugin(site):

Or more sparse:

def input_created(page, inp):
    assert page.input is inp
    print(f"input created for page {page.url}")

def register_plugin(site)
        (lambda p: p.input_created.connect(input_created)),

List of signals

Table 1. signals.signals
Signal Emit Parameters Description


Emitted immediately after all plugins are fully loaded and their register_plugin() functions are called.



Called once site is fully generated and Stag is about to quit.



Called before files visitation.



Called after files visitation. Usually at this point it is expected that all "reader" plugins are done, i.e. that they have created input and metadata for supported filetypes.



A trigger for "processors" (plugins which generate pages' output)



Emitted immediately after processors_init, i.e. when all "processors" finished their jobs.



Emitted before rendering the site (i.e. copying static files and rendering templates).



Emitted once after rendering finishes.


jinja2.Environment, Site

Emitted once Jinja Environment has been created. Environment passed as the argument will be used for rendering templates. User plugins might modify it, e.g. by adding custom filters or functions. For user convenience, Site is passed as well.

Table 2. Site signals
Signal Emit Parameters Description



Emitted after site stores a new page (e.g. after site.make_page() or site.get_or_make_page() calls).

Table 3. Page signals
Signal Emit Parameters Description


Page, Metadata

Emitted when a new Metadata is created for this page.


Page, Metadata

Emitted when Metadata is removed for this page.


Page, Source

Emitted when a new Source is created for this page.


Page, Source

Emitted when Source is removed for this page.


Page, Input

Emitted when a new Input is created for this page.


Page, Input

Emitted when Input is removed for this page.


Page, Output

Emitted when a new Output is created for this page.


Page, Output

Emitted when Output is removed for this page.


Page, Taxonomy

Emitted when a new Taxonomy is created for this page.


Page, Taxonomy

Emitted when Taxonomy is removed for this page.


Page, Term

Emitted when a new Term is created for this page.


Page, Term

Emitted when Term is removed for this page.

Registering new signals

You can also create new signals and add them to the global scope so they can be used by the other plugins. To avoid problems with the order of plugins loading, you should access them by name with site.signals.register_signals(name). This method, when called consecutively, will always return a single instance of the signal. In fact, it is used by Stag to create built-in global signals.

Consider this example:

Emitting plugin:
def emitting_plugin_finished(site):
    pages_no = 123
    answer_to_everything = 42
    site.signals.mysignal.emit(pages_no, answer_to_everything)

def register_plugin(site):
Subscriber plugin:
def print_answer(pages_no, answer):
    assert answer == 42, "Wait, what?"
    for i in range(pages_no):
        print(f"{i}: the answer to life, universe and everything is {answer}.")

def register_plugin(site):
Remember that custom signals won’t be called by Stag at any point, so you have to subscribe to any of the predefined signals first and emit your custom signals from the plugin code.

Example: Handling new file type

Suppose that we’d like to use a custom file types and generate our site from it. We have to keep in mind about the following things:

  1. URL scheme of the files

  2. reading input and metadata

  3. processing input and metadata to the output

We can do all of these things in a single plugin:

from stag.ecs import Content, Metadata

def is_myft(page):
    return page.source and page.source.ext == "myft"

def is_parsed_myft(page):
    return page.input and page.input.type == "myft"

def deduce_url(path):
    if path.filebase == "index":
        return path.reldirname
    return os.path.join(path.reldirname, path.filebase)

def read(page):
    if not is_myft(page):
    if page.input:  # e.g. from cache

    parsed_content = []
    with open(page.source.path) as file_:
        # do reading of file here, for example like this:
        for line in fd:

    page.metadata = Metadata(title="mypage", date="2021-09-10")
    page.input = Content("myft", "\n".join(parsed_content))

def generate(site):
    for page in site.pages:
        if not is_parsed_myft(page):
        if page.output:  # e.g. from cache

        # convert() not covered here, because it most likely contains a
        # parser of your custom format
        html = convert(page.input.content)
        page.output = Content("html", html)

def register_plugin(site):
    site.readers.register_reader(deduce_url, lambda p: p.ext == "myft")

Using Cache

Normally Stag caches generation results for ordinary pages and plugins can (probably should) use this information to skip parts of their work and speed up site generation.

Only individual pages are cached. Plugins are thus advised to inspect page components and see if they are set. For example, if plugin is a reader, then it should check whether input entity is empty. If it isn’t, then it should skip it’s work.

This behaviour has other advantage. If there are many plugins of similar type (e.g. many readers), then well-behaved plugins won’t overwrite work of their colleagues.
Example of skipping a reader
def read(page):
    if page.input:

def register_plugin(site):

Plugins also have a possibility to explicitly check whether the page is read from cache by inspecting a special cached entity. This is useful for example for "mutator" kind of plugins: the ones which change already set entity. Built-in macros plugin work this way.

Example of sipping work for "mutator" plugin
def mutate(site):
    for page in site.pages:
        if page.cached:

def register_plugin(site):
Plugins don’t have to worry about --no-cache flag.

1. Technically reading and writing could be plugins on their own, but having them outisde of the plugin system brings more benefits to the table than the counteroption