Plugin List

markdown (md)

Markdown plugin reads Markdown files, which can have optional front matter with metadata, which is also saved by the reader. Front matter is expected to be in TOML format, delimited with + (3 plus signs) from the top and bottom.

Example Markdown file with front matter
title = "My First Stag Page!"
date = 2021-09-02
lastmod = 2021-10-01
tags = ["site", "something else"]
This was a **triumph**!

Markdown generator takes input provided by the Markdown reader and generates HTML data from it. It uses Python Markdown package. Its extensions are enabled through plugins.markdown.extensions list.

Configuration is stored inside plugins.markdown table in config.toml.

Example markdown configuration
extensions = ["sane_list", "smarty", "footnotes"]


Macros provides input postprocessing. Thanks to it you can use Jinja macros inside input files (e.g. in Markdown). It enables a system which resembles "shortcodes" known from other static site generators.

To enable macros you must configure path to the directory which contains Jinja templates with macros definitions. Macros use [plugins.macros] table in config.toml to do that.

See also Custom Macros which explains in detail how to add new macros

Example macros configuration
path = "directory/with/macros"
Example of file which use a macro
title = "My Page"

{% from "macros.html" import mymacro %}

Ordinary content {{ mymacro(foo="bar") }} rest of ordinary content.


Taxonomies are automatically generated collections of pages (e.g. tags or categories). They must be enabled in config.toml and are generated from metadata of content files.

Enabling 2 taxonomies in config.toml
key = "tags"
singular = "tag"
plural = "tags"

key = "category"
plural = "categories"

Once defined, stag scans metadata of files and groups files which have the same metadata:

Setting terms of taxonomy on a page
tags = ["foo", "bar"]
category = "my category"

Each taxonomy generates a taxonomy landing page and a list of term pages. (think of tags/foo, tags/bar etc.):

Taxonomy Landing Page

it contains data regarding taxonomy itself and a list of term pages, which can be accessed from page.taxonomy.terms.

Term Pages

each of them contains a list of ordinary pages, which belong to the term (e.g. which have a specific tag); they can be accessed from page.term.pages. Additionaly they have metadata['taxonomy'] set with a name of parent taxonomy.

Rendering taxonomies

Taxonomies are rendered like the ordinary pages (see Template name deduction, but they use different default templates. Landing taxonomy pages use taxonomy template (e.g. taxonomy.html) and term pages use term template (e.g. term.html). This can be customised in two ways:

  1. Default templates for all taxonomy/term pages can be changed in [template.templates] section.

    Setting different default templates for taxonomy page and terms pages
    taxonomy = "mytaxonomy"
    list = "mylist"
  2. If stag finds a file which would result with the same URL as taxonomy or term page, it incorporates it instead of throwing a usual error:

    1. Metadata of the file is preserved, but missing entries necessary for taxonomies are created: this can be used to pass custom metadata to Jinja and template. For example type can be explicitly set, which will result in choosing a different template.

    2. File content is preserved.

    3. page lists and taxonomy data is added to the page object and overrides any previous entries.

      For example, to add a metadata to the "tags" taxomony, create a file or tags/ inside your content, with the following content:

      Page for taxonomy landing page (
      title = "List of tags"
      mymetadata = "My Metadata"
      Page for a single tag (tags/
      title = "Special case of mytag"
      mytagmetadata = "special metadata"