zet replace

Finds all occurences of a chosen regular expression and replaces them in-place with a string. Search is performed in all files in all notebooks. Alternatively, selectors can be passed as a third and further arguments to narrow the list of files in which search-replace occurs.

Search can be case-insensitive (-I) and interactive (-i). In interactive mode, zet replace will print a diff with proposed changes in each file, which must be accepted before doing the actual replacement.


$ zet replace 'some.*text' "other text"
Search-replacing through 14 files...

$ zet replace 'some.*text' "other text" -i
Search-replacing through 14 files...
--- Current version of 0/note.md
+++ After replacement of 0/note.md
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-This is some of my text
+This is other text

>> Accept changes in 0/note.md? ([Y]es / [N]o / [Q]uit)