Non-core Commands

Non-core commands are all the commands which aren't built into Zet. Zet discovers them dynamically by inspecting $PATH and $ZET_MODULES_PATH. This page lists essential non-core commands distributed with Zet. You can also read their respective help pages by running zet <cmd> --help. You can list all non-core commands available on your system by running zet commands.

zet default-notebook

This command prints current default notebook. You can also change default notebook by running zet default-notebook <notebook-name>.

<notebook-name> is the name of notebook configured in zet.toml, not its path. You can list all currently configured notebooks by running zet notebooks.

zet gen

Generate a file name from a format string. The following format tokens are available:

  • %u - new UUID1 (requires uuidgen program installed)
  • %su - short UUID (8 first characters of UUID; requires uuidgen program installed)
  • %d - current date and time, with any non-numeric characters being stripped
  • %r - random number

UUIDs are globally unique indentifiers composed of dash-separated groups of 8-4-4-4-12 hexadecimal characters (i.e. characters from the set of 0-9 and a-f)


$ zet gen file-%su.txt

zet import

Import files and URLs into the notebook. Imported files are automatically copied to the default notebook. URLs are automatically downloaded and converted by Pandoc into Markdown files.

You can change the default destination of imported files with -d switch.

zet import never overwrites files. If file with a chosen destination already exists, zet import will enumerate it.


$ zet import imported to /home/user/notebooks/0/

$ zet import imported to /home/user/notebooks/0/

$ zet import ~/some/document.pdf
/home/user/file.pdf imported to /home/user/notebooks/0/document.pdf

$ zet import ~/some/file.pdf -d 0:imported.pdf
/home/user/file.pdf imported to /home/user/notebooks/0/imported.pdf

zet ls

List files inside notebooks. By default all files from all notebooks are listed. This selection can be narrowed down by passing one or more selectors. If any selector expands to a directory, all files in that directory are listed, recursively.

Along file paths, zet ls can also print note titles of known formats by inspecting file contents.


$ zet ls 0:

$ zet ls 0: -t
Note Title::0/

$ zet ls -t -F,
Note Title,0/

zet mv

Rename a file. This command accepts either the source and destination selectors, or source selector and --to-title switch, which renames a file to the canonical title.

Canonical title is a note's title converted to the form which is suitable for file names. Typically it is lower-cased, has stripped whitespace and some other special characters.

Renaming can be performed interactively by passing -i switch.


$ zet mv
$ zet mv --to-title -i

zet note

Write new notes. Normally zet note opens editor, but it's also possible to add new notes by piping them into zet note --stdin. Notes can be put into templates, which is especially useful for notes piped into zet note.

By default zet note will place notes in newly created files named after detected note's title. Alternatively you can provide a selector with note's destination. If it exists, zet note will append to that file.

You can change the default editor by passing it to --editor switch. It accepts a format string with {} placeholder, which will be replaced with a file path to the temporary note file.


Templates are ordinary files and can be stored inside a notebook. They're chosen with -t switch which accepts a selector. Template files may contain the following placeholders, which will be automatically substituted when creating the note:

  • {dt} - current date/time
  • {host} - hostame of the current system, as reported my hostname program
  • {user} - name of the current user
  • {input} - note piped into zet note --stdin


$ zet note

$ zet note

$ echo "Hello" | zet note --stdin -t

$ zet note --editor='my-editor {}'

zet notebooks

List the notebooks, optionally formatted. Format string passed to -f switch accepts the following tokens:

  • {name} - configured notebook's name
  • {path} - notebook's path, relative to $ZET_ROOT
  • {abspath} - notebook's absolute path

zet open

Open notes and files from a notebook. This command accepts a selector with a twist: it might expand to a partial file path, which is examined against all the files. If there is a match, it is opened with the opener program (e.g. xdg-open). If there are many matches, zet open interactively queries which one should it open.

Only the file part of selector is matched against the files.

Default opener can be changed with -p switch. It accepts {} placeholder which will be replaced with actual file path to open.


$ zet open 0:ot
More than one file matches. Which one to open?
[1] 0/
[2] 0/

zet replace

Finds all occurences of a chosen regular expression and replaces them in-place with a string. Search is performed in all files in all notebooks. Alternatively, selectors can be passed as a third and further arguments to narrow the list of files in which search-replace occurs.

Search can be case-insensitive (-I) and interactive (-i). In interactive mode, zet replace will print a diff with proposed changes in each file, which must be accepted before doing the actual replacement.


$ zet replace 'some.*text' "other text"
Search-replacing through 14 files...

$ zet replace 'some.*text' "other text" -i
Search-replacing through 14 files...
--- Current version of 0/
+++ After replacement of 0/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-This is some of my text
+This is other text

>> Accept changes in 0/ ([Y]es / [N]o / [Q]uit)

Search the notes for selected queries. Each query is a phrase or regular expression which is expected to match. When more than one query is given, all of them must be present in a file to return a match. --or switch can be used in cases when any of passed queries must be present to return a match.

Search scope can be narrowed down by passing selectors through -s switch. Searches can be performed case-insensitive with -i switch.

zet search uses grep programs found on the system to perform the actual search and presents their output in the unified way. zet search will try to select the fastest available program, but you can enforce one with --grep switch.

zet search will truncate many long matches. You can control this behaviour with --show-all switch.


$ zet search a e
    I am here
    You are there
    They are everywhere
    This is not a very great poem
    But hopefully someone stops me at some point
(... result truncated, run 'zet search --show-all' to show all matched entries ...)

    Aaaah, fresh meat

$ zet search a y
    They are everywhere
    This is not a very great poem
    But hopefully someone stops me at some point

$ zet search a -l

$ zet search one two --or
    certainly not two
    and not the other one


$ zet search 'regex.*engine' -l -s nb1: -s nb2:

zet show

Show contents of a note inside the terminal, automatically choosing the fanciest formatting program, like less or batcat. You can force using any particular program with -p.

In similar fashion to zet open, zet show accepts a partial selector which interactively queries which file should be opened if partial selector matches more than one.

Implementation detail: zet show is actually only a wrapper for zet open.


$ zet show
       │ File: /home/user/notebooks/0/
   1   │ # Glados Anthem
   2   │
   3   │ This was a triumph!
   4   │ I'm making a note here: "HUGE SUCCESS".
   5   │ It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

zet sync

Automatically synchronize notes in notebooks which are git repositories. It requires git-sync to work and works faster for many notebooks if GNU Parallel is present on the system.

Please refer to Synchronization chapter for details.

zet tasks

Show tasks in notebooks. Tasks are lines with checkboxes in form of - [ ] for open and - [X] for closed tasks.


$ zet tasks
- [ ] task 1
    - [ ] subtask

$ zet tasks -s closed
- [X] finished task