Conventions for Zet Commands

You are free to write non-core commands however you want, however it's a good idea to follow some conventions, because it makes easier for users to use zet.

Use selector syntax

When zet commands accept paths to notebooks or files, they should accept them in selector syntax. You may use zet api paths to easily convert selectors to actual system paths and correctly handle all of its quirks. For example:

$ zet my-command

The other way around, commands that print a path to the notebook or to the files inside a notbook, should print them in selector syntax. Commands should also support --absolute option to print absolute paths instead of selector syntax. It's not necessary to support paths relative to $ZET_ROOT.

$ zet my-command

$ zet my-command --absolute

This approach makes it easier to compose together several zet commands or copy-paste their output to each other.


The best commands are the ones which don't need any configuration. If a command needs one, it should access it from zet.toml from the command table.

Provide help

Zet's non-core commands must provide --help parameter which describes its usage.

Long and short options

Zet's non-core commands should provide long options (e.g. --long-option) for all possible arguments. Commands should also provide short options (e.g. -s) for the most common ones.

Don't depend on other non-core commands

Commands shouldn't depend on other non-core commands. They should should use zet api instead.

For example, instead of using zet notebooks, commands should use zet api notebooks, or zet api list instead of zet ls.