kpsh-menu(1) General Commands Manual kpsh-menu(1)

kpsh-menu - menu-like kpsh's daemon client

kpsh-menu [OPTIONS]

kpsh-menu allows access to kpsh run in daemon mode (kpsh -d) via menu-like programs, like dmenu, rofi or fzf. It is optimized for programs which read their stdin asynchronously, e.g. rofi -async-pre-read=0 or dmenu with "non-blocking stdin" patch: it quickly displays menu and feeds it with entries when they become available (e.g. when database is unlocked).

kpsh-menu requires a running kpsh daemon (see: kpsh(1) --daemon) and socket paths used by daemon an kpsh-menu must match. It is the case for the default paths, but they can be configured with --socket-path options at both menu and daemon's side.

kpsh-menu doesn't provide any way to open and unlock KeePass database. It managed by kpsh server. For example:

$ kpsh -d --keyfike /path/to/keyfile --password-command "gpg2 -q --decrypt pwd.gpg" /path/to/db.kdbx &
$ kpsh-menu

-h, --help

Show help message and quit.

-m, --menu MENU_CMD

Menu command to use. Can be any command, with additional arguments. Default: rofi.

-s, --socket-path FILE

Path to the kpsh's socket.

-c, --command COMMAND

Add a command to execute on selected entry. When more than one command is specified this way, kpsh-menu will show them in menu program. COMMAND has a special formatting: see the "COMMANDS" section.

By default, kpsh-menu will autotype selected entry with a default autotype sequence.

-n, --notify NOTIFY_COMMAND

Command which kpsh-menu will run after executing of COMMAND configured with "n" flag (see the "COMMANDS" section).


Command to run pinentry when kpsh server prompts for user input. When both kpsh server and kpsh-menu are configured with --pinentry options, the value of kpsh server is prioritised. Default: /usr/bin/pinentry.

The format of COMMAND passed to the --command consists of 3 parts, separated with double colons:


DISPLAY_NAME: (mandatory) human-friendly name displayed in menu.

COMMAND: (mandatory) kpsh command. It may contain a placeholder {} which will be replaced with selected entry path.

FLAGS: (optional) a set of flags used to modify behavior of kpsh-menu after selected command is executed (see flags section). See the "Flags" section.

The following flags can be used for commands:

l: (loop) when set, kpsh-menu will loop, i.e. will be re-display command selection screen. This allows performing several separate actions on a selected entry, e.g. first typing a username, and then password.

n: (notify) after command execution, kpsh-menu will run a NOTIFY_COMMAND set with --notify option.

$ kpsh-menu 
	-m "dmenu -p '>'"
	-c "Autotype::autotype '{}'" 
	-c "Username::autotype '{}' -s {USERNAME}::ln"
	-c "Password::autotype '{}' -s {PASSWORD}::ln"
	-c "Type TAB::autotype '{} -s {TAB}::l'"
	-c "Type ENTER::autotype '{} -s {ENTER}::l'"
	-c "Show::show '{}'"
	-c "Lock database::lock"
	-n "notify-send kpsh-menu 'Executed command {cmd}'"

kpsh(1), kpsh-client(1)

Michał Góral <>

Source code:
